file(5) - phpMan

Command: man perldoc info search(apropos)  

yara (1)             - find files matching patterns and rules written in a sp...
cachefilesd.conf (5) - Local file caching configuration file
FILE (3)             - overview of system data types
Font::TTF::Woff (3pm) - holds Web Open Font File (WOFF) data for the font
gemfile (5)          - A format for describing gem dependencies for Ruby prog...
[ (1)                - check file types and compare values
a2disconf (8)        - enable or disable an apache2 configuration file
a2enconf (8)         - enable or disable an apache2 configuration file
aa-exec (1)          - confine a program with the specified AppArmor profile
aa-remove-unknown (8) - remove unknown AppArmor profiles
aa-teardown (8)      - unload all AppArmor profiles
access.conf (5)      - the login access control table file
acct (5)             - process accounting file
acorn (1)            - parse JavaScript file
addftinfo (1)        - add information to troff font files for use with groff
addr2line (1)        - convert addresses into file names and line numbers
adduser.conf (5)     - configuration file for adduser(8) and addgroup(8) .
afmtodit (1)         - create font files for use with groff -Tps and -Tpdf
Algorithm::Diff (3pm) - Compute `intelligent' differences between two files /...
Algorithm::DiffOld (3pm) - Compute `intelligent' differences between two file...
analog (1)           - web server logfile analyser
AnyDBM_File (3perl)  - provide framework for multiple DBMs
anytopnm (1)         - attempt to convert an unknown type of image file to a ...
Apache::Session::DB_File (3pm) - An implementation of Apache::Session
Apache::Session::File (3pm) - An implementation of Apache::Session
Apache::Session::Lock::File (3pm) - Provides mutual exclusion using flock
Apache::Session::Store::DB_File (3pm) - Use DB_File to store persistent objects
Apache::Session::Store::File (3pm) - Store persistent data on the filesystem
apparmor.d (5)       - syntax of security profiles for AppArmor.
apparmor.vim (5)     - vim syntax highlighting file for AppArmor profiles
apparmor_parser (8)  - loads AppArmor profiles into the kernel
apparmor_xattrs (7)  - AppArmor profile xattr(7) matching
AppConfig (3pm)      - Perl5 module for reading configuration files and parsi...
AppConfig::File (3pm) - Perl5 module for reading configuration files.
apport-bug (1)       - file a bug report using Apport, or update an existing ...
apport-collect (1)   - file a bug report using Apport, or update an existing ...
apport-unpack (1)    - extract the fields of a problem report to separate files
apt-ftparchive (1)   - Utility to generate index files
apt-sortpkgs (1)     - Utility to sort package index files
apt.conf (5)         - Configuration file for APT
apt_auth.conf (5)    - Login configuration file for APT sources and proxies
apt_preferences (5)  - Preference control file for APT
Archive::Tar::File (3perl) - a subclass for in-memory extracted file from Arc...
Archive::Zip (3pm)   - Provide an interface to ZIP archive files.
Archive::Zip::MemberRead (3pm) - A wrapper that lets you read Zip archive mem...
aspell-autobuildhash (8) - Autobuilding aspell hash files for some dicts
attr (1)             - extended attributes on filesystem objects
Authen::SASL::SASLprep (3pm) - A Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwo...
autom4te (1)         - Generate files and scripts thanks to M4
autoreconf (1)       - Update generated configuration files
B::Showlex (3perl)   - Show lexical variables used in functions or files
basename (1)         - strip directory and suffix from filenames
bioradtopgm (1)      - convert a Biorad confocal file into a portable graymap
bmptopnm (1)         - convert a BMP file into a portable anymap
bmptoppm (1)         - convert a BMP file into a portable anymap
brushtopbm (1)       - convert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap
btrfs (5)            - topics about the BTRFS filesystem (mount options, supp...
btrfs (8)            - a toolbox to manage btrfs filesystems
btrfs-balance (8)    - balance block groups on a btrfs filesystem
btrfs-check (8)      - check or repair a btrfs filesystem
btrfs-convert (8)    - convert from ext2/3/4 or reiserfs filesystem to btrfs ...
btrfs-device (8)     - manage devices of btrfs filesystems
btrfs-filesystem (8) - command group that primarily does work on the whole fi...
btrfs-image (8)      - create/restore an image of the filesystem
btrfs-property (8)   - get/set/list properties for given filesystem object
btrfs-qgroup (8)     - control the quota group of a btrfs filesystem
btrfs-quota (8)      - control the global quota status of a btrfs filesystem
btrfs-rescue (8)     - Recover a damaged btrfs filesystem
btrfs-restore (8)    - try to restore files from a damaged btrfs filesystem i...
btrfs-scrub (8)      - scrub btrfs filesystem, verify block checksums
btrfsck (8)          - check or repair a btrfs filesystem
btrfstune (8)        - tune various filesystem parameters
bundle-add (1)       - Add gem to the Gemfile and run bundle install
bundle-cache (1)     - Package your needed .gem files into your application
bundle-init (1)      - Generates a Gemfile into the current working directory
bundle-inject (1)    - Add named gem(s) with version requirements to Gemfile
bundle-install (1)   - Install the dependencies specified in your Gemfile
bundle-lock (1)      - Creates / Updates a lockfile without installing
bundle-remove (1)    - Removes gems from the Gemfile
bundle-viz (1)       - Generates a visual dependency graph for your Gemfile
bunzip2 (1)          - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.8
byobu-select-profile (1) - select your Byobu foreground and background colors
bzcat (1)            - decompresses files to stdout
bzcmp (1)            - compare bzip2 compressed files
bzdiff (1)           - compare bzip2 compressed files
bzegrep (1)          - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
bzexe (1)            - compress executable files in place
bzfgrep (1)          - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
bzgrep (1)           - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
bzip2 (1)            - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.8
bzip2recover (1)     - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
bzless (1)           - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compresse...
bzmore (1)           - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compresse...
c_rehash (1ssl)      - Create symbolic links to files named by the hash values
Cache::File (3pm)    - Filesystem based implementation of the Cache interface
Cache::File::Entry (3pm) - An entry in the file based implementation of Cache
Cache::File::Handle (3pm) - wrapper for IO::File to use in Cache::File implem...
Cache::File::Heap (3pm) - A file based heap for use by Cache::File
Cache::FileBackend (3pm) - - a filesystem based persistence mechanism
Cache::FileCache (3pm) - - implements the Cache interface.
Cache::SizeAwareFileCache (3pm) - - extends Cache::FileCache
cache_check (8)      - validates cache metadata on a device or file.
cache_dump (8)       - dump cache metadata from device or file to standard ou...
cache_repair (8)     - repair cache binary metadata from device/file to devic...
cache_restore (8)    - restore cache metadata file to device or file.
cachefilesd (8)      - CacheFiles userspace management daemon
calc_tickadj (1)     - Calculates "optimal" value for tick given ntp drift file.
capability.conf (5)  - configuration file for the pam_cap module
cat (1)              - concatenate files and print on the standard output
CDDB::File (3pm)     - Parse a CDDB/freedb data file
cgclear (1)          - unload the cgroup filesystem
cgconfig.conf (5)    - libcgroup configuration file
cgconfigparser (8)   - setup control group file system
CGI::FormBuilder::Source::File (3pm) - Initialize FormBuilder from external file
CGI::Session::Driver::db_file (3pm) - CGI::Session driver for BerkeleyDB usin...
CGI::Session::Driver::file (3pm) - Default CGI::Session driver
cgred.conf (5)       - libcgroup configuration file
cgrules.conf (5)     - libcgroup configuration file
cgsnapshot (1)       - generate the configuration file for given controllers
chacl (1)            - change the access control list of a file or directory
charmap (5)          - character set description file
chartex (1p)         - A utility to extract charts from an Excel file for ins...
chattr (1)           - change file attributes on a Linux file system
chcon (1)            - change file security context
check_forensic (8)   - tool to extract mod_log_forensic output from apache lo...
chkdvifont (1)       - CHecK DVI/tfm/font file and tell informations of FONTs
chmod (1)            - change file mode bits
chown (1)            - change file owner and group
cjpeg (1)            - compress an image file to a JPEG file
cksum (1)            - checksum and count the bytes in a file
cmp (1)              - compare two files byte by byte
codepage (1)         - extract a codepage from an MSDOS codepage file
colrm (1)            - remove columns from a file
comm (1)             - compare two sorted files line by line
compose (1)          - execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
config (5ssl)        - OpenSSL CONF library configuration files
Config::General::Extended (3pm) - Extended access to Config files
Config::General::Interpolated (3pm) - Parse variables within Config files
Config::IniFiles (3pm) - A module for reading .ini-style configuration files.
Config::Simple (3pm) - simple configuration file class
Config::Tiny (3pm)   - Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as pos...
console-setup (5)    - configuration file for setupcon
Convert::BinHex (3pm) - extract data from Macintosh BinHex files
Convert::PEM (3pm)   - Read/write encrypted ASN.1 PEM files
COPY (7)             - copy data between a file and a table
core (5)             - core dump file
cp (1)               - copy files and directories
CPAN::FirstTime (3perl) - Utility for CPAN::Config file Initialization
CPAN::Meta::YAML (3perl) - Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files
CPAN::Plugin::Specfile (3perl) - Proof of concept implementation of a trivial...
cpgr (8)             - copy with locking the given file to the password or gr...
cpio (1)             - copy files to and from archives
cppw (8)             - copy with locking the given file to the password or gr...
crc32 (1)            - compute CRC-32 checksums for the given files
crontab (1)          - maintain crontab files for individual users (Vixie Cron)
Crypt::DSA::Key::PEM (3pm) - Read/write DSA PEM files
Crypt::DSA::Key::SSH2 (3pm) - Read/write DSA SSH2 files
cryptdir (1)         - encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
crypttab (5)         - static information about encrypted filesystems
csh (1)              - C shell with file name completion and command line edi...
csplit (1)           - split a file into sections determined by context lines
ctags (1)            - Generate tag files for source code
ctags-exuberant (1)  - Generate tag files for source code
ctags.emacs (1)      - generate tag file for Emacs, vi
ctail (1)            - watch and colorize a logfile
ctie (1)             - merge or apply CWEB change files
cut (1)              - remove sections from each line of files
cvs (5)              - Concurrent Versions System support files
cvtsudoers (1)       - convert between sudoers file formats
Data::FormValidator (3pm) - Validates user input (usually from an HTML form) ...
Data::FormValidator::Constraints (3pm) - Basic sets of constraints on input p...
Data::FormValidator::Constraints::Upload (3pm) - Validate File Uploads
Data::FormValidator::Filters (3pm) - Basic set of filters available in an Dat...
Data::Serializer::Persistent (3pm) - Provide means of persistently storing se...
Data::Stream::Bulk::FileHandle (3pm) - read lines from a filehandle
Date::Calendar::Profiles (3pm) - Some sample profiles for Date::Calendar and ...
Date::Manip::ConfigFile (3pm) - sample config file
Date::Manip::TZdata (3pm) - - Internal module for working with the tzdata files
Date::Pcalendar::Profiles (3pm) - Some sample profiles for Date::Pcalendar an...
db5.3_archive (1)    - Find unused log files for archiving purposes
db5.3_printlog (1)   - Dumps Berkeley DB log files in a human-readable format
db_archive (1)       - Find unused log files for archiving purposes
DB_File (3perl)      - Perl5 access to Berkeley DB version 1.x
db_printlog (1)      - Dumps Berkeley DB log files in a human-readable format
DBD::CSV (3pm)       - DBI driver for CSV files
DBD::DBM (3pm)       - a DBI driver for DBM & MLDBM files
DBD::Excel (3pm)     - A class for DBI drivers that act on Excel File.
DBD::File (3pm)      - Base class for writing file based DBI drivers
DBD::File::Developers (3pm) - Developers documentation for DBD::File
DBD::File::HowTo (3pm) - Guide to create DBD::File based driver
DBD::File::Roadmap (3pm) - Planned Enhancements for DBD::File and pure Perl D...
DBD::Mem (3pm)       - a DBI driver for Mem & MLMem files
DBD::SQLite::VirtualTable::FileContent (3pm) - - virtual table for viewing fi...
DBI::Profile (3pm)   - Performance profiling and benchmarking for the DBI
DBI::ProfileData (3pm) - manipulate DBI::ProfileDumper data dumps
DBI::ProfileDumper (3pm) - profile DBI usage and output data to a file
DBI::ProfileDumper::Apache (3pm) - capture DBI profiling data from Apache/mod...
DBI::ProfileSubs (3pm) - Subroutines for dynamic profile Path
dbiprof (1p)         - command-line client for DBI::ProfileData
dch (1)              - Tool for maintenance of the debian/changelog file in a...
dcmd (1)             - expand file lists of .dsc/.changes files in the comman...
dd (1)               - convert and copy a file
deb-buildinfo (5)    - Debian build information file format
deb-changelog (5)    - dpkg source packages' changelog file format
deb-changes (5)      - Debian changes file format
deb-conffiles (5)    - package conffiles
deb-control (5)      - Debian binary packages' master control file format
deb-extra-override (5) - Debian archive extra override file
deb-md5sums (5)      - package MD5 file digests
deb-origin (5)       - Vendor-specific information files
deb-override (5)     - Debian archive override file
deb-reversion (1)    - simple script to change the version of a .deb file
deb-shlibs (5)       - Debian shared library information file
deb-src-control (5)  - Debian source packages' master control file format
deb-src-files (5)    - Debian distribute files format
deb-src-rules (5)    - Debian source package rules file
deb-src-symbols (5)  - Debian's extended shared library template file
deb-symbols (5)      - Debian's extended shared library information file
debchange (1)        - Tool for maintenance of the debian/changelog file in a...
debdiff (1)          - compare file lists in two Debian packages
debrebuild (1)       - use a buildinfo file and snapshot.d.o to recreate bina...
debrsign (1)         - remotely sign a Debian .changes and .dsc file pair usi...
debsign (1)          - sign a Debian .changes and .dsc file pair using GPG
debugfs (8)          - ext2/ext3/ext4 file system debugger
debuginfod-client-config (7) - debuginfod client environment variables, cache...
decryptdir (1)       - encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
deluser.conf (5)     - configuration file for deluser(8) and delgroup(8) .
depmod (8)           - Generate modules.dep and map files.
desktop2menu (1)     - create a menu file skeleton from a desktop file
detex (1)            - a filter to strip TeX commands from a .tex file.
Devel::Cover::DB::File (3pm) - Code coverage metrics for Perl
Devel::Cover::DB::Structure (3pm) - Internal: abstract structure of a source ...
Devel::Cover::Web (3pm) - Files for JavaScript or CSS
devscripts.conf (5)  - configuration file for the devscripts package
df (1)               - report file system disk space usage
dh_installxmlcatalogs (1) - install and register XML catalog files
dhclient.conf (5)    - DHCP client configuration file
diff (1)             - compare files line by line
diff2patches (1)     - Extract non-debian/ patches from .diff.gz files
diff3 (1)            - compare three files line by line
Digest::file (3perl) - Calculate digests of files
Digest::MD5::File (3pm) - Perl extension for getting MD5 sums for files and u...
dir_colors (5)       - configuration file for dircolors(1)
dirname (1)          - strip last component from file name
disdvi (1)           - `disassemble' a (p)TeX or XeTeX DVI file
djpeg (1)            - decompress a JPEG file to an image file
dnssec-trust-anchors.d (5) - DNSSEC trust anchor configuration files
Domain::PublicSuffix::Default (3pm) - Default PublicSuffix data file
dos2unix (1)         - DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
dosfsck (8)          - check and repair MS-DOS FAT filesystems
dosfslabel (8)       - set or get MS-DOS filesystem label or volume ID
dotlock (1)          - lock mail spool files.
dotlock.mailutils (1) - lock mail spool files.
dotlockfile (1)      - Utility to manage lockfiles
dpkg-awk (1)         - Utility to read a dpkg style db file
dpkg-distaddfile (1) - add entries to debian/files
dpkg-divert (1)      - override a package's version of a file
dpkg-genbuildinfo (1) - generate Debian .buildinfo files
dpkg-genchanges (1)  - generate Debian .changes files
dpkg-gencontrol (1)  - generate Debian control files
dpkg-gensymbols (1)  - generate symbols files (shared library dependency info...
dpkg-mergechangelogs (1) - 3-way merge of debian/changelog files
dpkg-parsechangelog (1) - parse Debian changelog files
dpkg-scanpackages (1) - create Packages index files
dpkg-scansources (1) - create Sources index files
dpkg-statoverride (1) - override ownership and mode of files
dpkg.cfg (5)         - dpkg configuration file
Dpkg::BuildProfiles (3perl) - handle build profiles
Dpkg::Checksums (3perl) - generate and manipulate file checksums
Dpkg::Compression::FileHandle (3perl) - class dealing transparently with file...
Dpkg::Conf (3perl)   - parse dpkg configuration files
Dpkg::Control::Info (3perl) - parse files like debian/control
Dpkg::Control::Tests (3perl) - parse files like debian/tests/control
Dpkg::Source::Format (3perl) - manipulate debian/source/format files
dsc (5)              - Debian source packages' control file format
dscextract (1)       - extract a single file from a Debian source package
dselect.cfg (5)      - dselect configuration file
dt2dv (1)            - convert a DTL text representation of a TeX DVI file to...
du (1)               - estimate file space usage
dump-acct (8)        - print an acct file in human-readable format.
dump-utmp (8)        - print an utmp file in human-readable format.
dumpe2fs (8)         - dump ext2/ext3/ext4 file system information
dv2dt (1)            - convert a binary TeX DVI file to DTL text representation
dvi2tty (1)          - preview a TeX DVI file on an ordinary ASCII terminal
dvibook (1)          - rearrange pages in DVI file into signatures
dviconcat (1)        - concatenate DVI files
dvicopy (1)          - produce modified copy of DVI file
dvihp (1)            - convert a TeX DVI file to Hewlett-Packard PCL
dvilj (1)            - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers
dvilj2p (1)          - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers
dvilj4 (1)           - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers
dvilj4l (1)          - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers
dvilj6 (1)           - convert a TeX DVI file to PCL, for HP LaserJet printers
dvipdf (1)           - Convert TeX DVI file to PDF using ghostscript and dvips
dvipdfm (1)          - produce PDF files directly from DVI files
dvipdfmx (1)         - produce PDF files directly from DVI files
dvipos (1)           - compute positions in a DVI file
dvips (1)            - convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
dviselect (1)        - extract pages from DVI files
dvispc (1)           - Modify a DVI file to be page-independent in specials
dvitodvi (1)         - rearrange pages in a DVI file
dvitomp (1)          - convert a TeX DVI file to a MetaPost MPXFILE
dvitype (1)          - translate a dvi file for humans
e2fsck (8)           - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
e2fsck.conf (5)      - Configuration file for e2fsck
e2image (8)          - Save critical ext2/ext3/ext4 file system metadata to a...
e2label (8)          - Change the label on an ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
e2mmpstatus (8)      - Check MMP status of an ext4 file system
e2scrub (8)          - check the contents of a mounted ext[234] file system
e2scrub_all (8)      - check all mounted ext[234] file systems for errors.
e2undo (8)           - Replay an undo log for an ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
e4crypt (8)          - ext4 file system encryption utility
e4defrag (8)         - online defragmenter for ext4 file system
ebb (1)              - extract bounding box information from graphics files
edit (1)             - execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
editrc (5edit)       - configuration file for editline library
elf (5)              - format of Executable and Linking Format (ELF) files
elfedit (1)          - update ELF header and program property of ELF files
emacsclient (1)      - tells a running Emacs to visit a file
emacsclient.emacs (1) - tells a running Emacs to visit a file
encguess (1)         - guess character encodings of files
envdir (8)           - runs another program with environment modified accordi...
era_check (8)        - validate era metadata on device or file.
era_dump (8)         - dump era metadata from device or file to standard output.
era_restore (8)      - restore era metadata file to device or file.
etags (1)            - generate tag file for Emacs, vi
etags.emacs (1)      - generate tag file for Emacs, vi
exifautotran (1)     - Transforms Exif files so that Orientation becomes 1
exiftool (1p)        - Read and write meta information in files
expect_cryptdir (1)  - encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
expect_decryptdir (1) - encrypt/decrypt all files in a directory
ext2 (5)             - the second extended file system
ext3 (5)             - the third extended file system
ext4 (5)             - the fourth extended file system
extcheck (1)         - Detects version conflicts between a target Java Archiv...
extractbb (1)        - extract bounding box information from graphics files
ExtUtils::Command (3perl) - utilities to replace common UNIX commands in Make...
ExtUtils::Command::MM (3perl) - Commands for the MM's to use in Makefiles
ExtUtils::Install (3perl) - install files from here to there
ExtUtils::MakeMaker (3perl) - Create a module Makefile
ExtUtils::Manifest (3perl) - Utilities to write and check a MANIFEST file
ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap (3perl) - make a bootstrap file for use by DynaLoader
ExtUtils::Mksymlists (3perl) - write linker options files for dynamic extension
ExtUtils::MM_MacOS (3perl) - once produced Makefiles for MacOS Classic
ExtUtils::Packlist (3perl) - manage .packlist files
ExtUtils::PL2Bat (3perl) - Batch file creation to run perl scripts on Windows
ExtUtils::Typemaps (3perl) - Read/Write/Modify Perl/XS typemap files
eyuvtoppm (1)        - convert a Berkeley YUV file to a portable pixmap file
faillock (8)         - Tool for displaying and modifying the authentication f...
faillock.conf (5)    - pam_faillock configuration file
faillog (5)          - login failure logging file
faked (1)            - daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of fi...
faked-sysv (1)       - daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of fi...
faked-tcp (1)        - daemon that remembers fake ownership/permissions of fi...
fakeroot (1)         - run a command in an environment faking root privileges...
fakeroot-sysv (1)    - run a command in an environment faking root privileges...
fakeroot-tcp (1)     - run a command in an environment faking root privileges...
fallocate (1)        - preallocate or deallocate space to a file
fanotify (7)         - monitoring filesystem events
fatlabel (8)         - set or get MS-DOS filesystem label or volume ID
fc-cache (1)         - build font information cache files
fc-cat (1)           - read font information cache files
fc-conflist (1)      - Show the ruleset files information on the system
fc-query (1)         - query font files
fc-scan (1)          - scan font files or directories
fc-validate (1)      - validate font files
fifo (7)             - first-in first-out special file, named pipe
file (1)             - determine file type
file-hierarchy (7)   - File system hierarchy overview
File::Basename (3perl) - Parse file paths into directory, filename and suffix.
File::Compare (3perl) - Compare files or filehandles
File::Copy (3perl)   - Copy files or filehandles
File::Copy::Recursive (3pm) - Perl extension for recursively copying files an...
File::DirList (3pm)  - provide a sorted list of directory content
File::DosGlob (3perl) - DOS like globbing and then some
File::Fetch (3perl)  - A generic file fetching mechanism
File::Find (3perl)   - Traverse a directory tree.
File::FnMatch (3pm)  - simple filename and pathname matching
File::Glob (3perl)   - Perl extension for BSD glob routine
File::GlobMapper (3perl) - Extend File Glob to Allow Input and Output Files
File::HomeDir (3pm)  - Find your home and other directories on any platform
File::HomeDir::Darwin (3pm) - Find your home and other directories on Darwin ...
File::HomeDir::Darwin::Carbon (3pm) - Find your home and other directories on...
File::HomeDir::Darwin::Cocoa (3pm) - Find your home and other directories on ...
File::HomeDir::Driver (3pm) - Base class for all File::HomeDir drivers
File::HomeDir::FreeDesktop (3pm) - Find your home and other directories on Fr...
File::HomeDir::MacOS9 (3pm) - Find your home and other directories on legacy ...
File::HomeDir::Test (3pm) - Prevent the accidental creation of user-owned fil...
File::HomeDir::Unix (3pm) - Find your home and other directories on legacy Unix
File::HomeDir::Windows (3pm) - Find your home and other directories on Windows
File::Listing (3pm)  - Parse directory listing
File::MMagic (3pm)   - Guess file type
File::Next (3pm)     - File-finding iterator
File::NFSLock (3pm)  - perl module to do NFS (or not) locking
File::Path (3perl)   - Create or remove directory trees
File::RandomAccess (3pm) - Random access reads of sequential file or scalar
File::ReadBackwards (3pm) - - Read a file backwards by lines.
File::Remove (3pm)   - Remove files and directories
File::Share (3pm)    - Extend File::ShareDir to Local Libraries
File::ShareDir (3pm) - Locate per-dist and per-module shared files
File::Slurp (3pm)    - Simple and Efficient Reading/Writing/Modifying of Comp...
File::Spec (3perl)   - portably perform operations on file names
File::Spec::AmigaOS (3perl) - File::Spec for AmigaOS
File::Spec::Cygwin (3perl) - methods for Cygwin file specs
File::Spec::Epoc (3perl) - methods for Epoc file specs
File::Spec::Functions (3perl) - portably perform operations on file names
File::Spec::Mac (3perl) - File::Spec for Mac OS (Classic)
File::Spec::OS2 (3perl) - methods for OS/2 file specs
File::Spec::Unix (3perl) - File::Spec for Unix, base for other File::Spec mod...
File::Spec::VMS (3perl) - methods for VMS file specs
File::Spec::Win32 (3perl) - methods for Win32 file specs
File::stat (3perl)   - by-name interface to Perl's built-in stat() functions
File::Temp (3perl)   - return name and handle of a temporary file safely
File::Touch (3pm)    - update file access and modification times, optionally ...
File::Type (3pm)     - determine file type using magic
File::Type::Builder (3pm) - parse mime-magic and generate code
File::Which (3pm)    - Perl implementation of the which utility as an API
FileCache (3perl)    - keep more files open than the system permits
filefrag (8)         - report on file fragmentation
filefuncs (3am)      - provide some file related functionality to gawk
FileHandle (3perl)   - supply object methods for filehandles
filesystems (5)      - Linux filesystem types: ext, ext2, ext3, ext4, hpfs, i...
filetest (3perl)     - Perl pragma to control the filetest permission operators
filterdiff (1)       - extract or exclude diffs from a diff file
fincore (1)          - count pages of file contents in core
find (1)             - search for files in a directory hierarchy
findfs (8)           - find a filesystem by label or UUID
findmnt (8)          - find a filesystem
fitstopnm (1)        - convert a FITS file into a portable anymap
fixcvsdiff (1)       - fix problematic diff files
flickr_dump_stored_config (1p) - script to display contents of a Flickr::API ...
fmtdump (8mh)        - decode nmh's mh-format(5) files
fmtutil.cnf (5)      - configuration file for fmtutil
fnmatch (3am)        - compare a string against a filename wildcard
Font::AFM (3pm)      - Interface to Adobe Font Metrics files
Font::TTF::Maxp (3pm) - Maximum Profile table in a font
fonts-conf (5)       - Font configuration files
fromdos (1)          - Converts text files between DOS and Unix formats.
fs (5)               - Linux filesystem types: ext, ext2, ext3, ext4, hpfs, i...
fsadm (8)            - utility to resize or check filesystem on a device
fsck (8)             - check and repair a Linux filesystem
fsck.cramfs (8)      - fsck compressed ROM file system
fsck.ext2 (8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.ext3 (8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.ext4 (8)        - check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
fsck.fat (8)         - check and repair MS-DOS FAT filesystems
fsck.minix (8)       - check consistency of Minix filesystem
fsck.msdos (8)       - check and repair MS-DOS FAT filesystems
fsck.vfat (8)        - check and repair MS-DOS FAT filesystems
fsfreeze (8)         - suspend access to a filesystem (Ext3/4, ReiserFS, JFS,...
fstab (5)            - static information about the filesystems
fstopgm (1)          - convert a Usenix FaceSaver(tm) file into a portable gr...
fstrim (8)           - discard unused blocks on a mounted filesystem
ftp (1)              - Internet file transfer program
ftpasswd (1)         - Perl script for managing AuthUserFiles and AuthGroupFiles
ftpasswd (8)         - manipulates ProFTPD authentication files
ftpquota (1)         - Perl script for managing limit/tally files for mod_quo...
ftpscrub (8)         - scrub the proftpd scoreboard file of stale entries
ftpusers (5)         - file which lists users who are not allowed to use ftp
fuse (4)             - Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) device
fuser (1)            - identify processes using files or sockets
fusermount (1)       - mount and unmount FUSE filesystems
fusermount3 (1)      - mount and unmount FUSE filesystems
g3topbm (1)          - convert a Group 3 fax file into a portable bitmap
gai.conf (5)         - getaddrinfo(3) configuration file
gcore (1)            - Generate core files for running processes
gcov-dump (1)        - offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool
gcov-dump-11 (1)     - offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool
gcov-dump-12 (1)     - offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool
gcov-dump-9 (1)      - offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool
gcov-tool (1)        - offline gcda profile processing tool
gcov-tool-11 (1)     - offline gcda profile processing tool
gcov-tool-12 (1)     - offline gcda profile processing tool
gcov-tool-9 (1)      - offline gcda profile processing tool
gcov2perl (1p)       - convert gcov files to Devel::Cover databases
gdb-add-index (1)    - Add index files to speed up GDB
GDBM_File (3perl)    - Perl5 access to the gdbm library.
gdiffmk (1)          - mark differences between groff/nroff/troff files
gemtopbm (1)         - convert a GEM .img file into a portable anymap
gemtopnm (1)         - convert a GEM .img file into a portable anymap
genbrk (1)           - Compiles ICU break iteration rules source files into b...
genccode (8)         - generate C or platform specific assembly code from an ...
gencfu (1)           - Generates Unicode Confusable data files
gencmn (8)           - generate an ICU memory-mappable data file
gencnval (1)         - compile the converters aliases file
gensprep (8)         - compile StringPrep data from files filtered by filterR...
getcap (8)           - examine file capabilities
getfacl (1)          - get file access control lists
getfattr (1)         - get extended attributes of filesystem objects
gftodvi (1)          - make proof sheets from generic font files
gftopk (1)           - convert generic font files to packed font files
gftype (1)           - translate a generic font file for humans to read
giftopnm (1)         - convert a GIF file into a portable anymap
git-add (1)          - Add file contents to the index
git-annotate (1)     - Annotate file lines with commit information
git-apply (1)        - Apply a patch to files and/or to the index
git-archive (1)      - Create an archive of files from a named tree
git-blame (1)        - Show what revision and author last modified each line ...
git-bugreport (1)    - Collect information for user to file a bug report
git-cat-file (1)     - Provide content or type and size information for repos...
git-check-ignore (1) - Debug gitignore / exclude files
git-checkout (1)     - Switch branches or restore working tree files
git-checkout-index (1) - Copy files from the index to the working tree
git-clean (1)        - Remove untracked files from the working tree
git-commit-graph (1) - Write and verify Git commit-graph files
git-diff-files (1)   - Compares files in the working tree and the index
git-gc (1)           - Cleanup unnecessary files and optimize the local repos...
git-hash-object (1)  - Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a...
git-index-pack (1)   - Build pack index file for an existing packed archive
git-ls-files (1)     - Show information about files in the index and the work...
git-merge-file (1)   - Run a three-way file merge
git-merge-index (1)  - Run a merge for files needing merging
git-merge-one-file (1) - The standard helper program to use with git-merge-index
git-mv (1)           - Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
git-pack-redundant (1) - Find redundant pack files
git-prune-packed (1) - Remove extra objects that are already in pack files
git-restore (1)      - Restore working tree files
git-rm (1)           - Remove files from the working tree and from the index
git-stage (1)        - Add file contents to the staging area
git-unpack-file (1)  - Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents
git-update-index (1) - Register file contents in the working tree to the index
git-update-server-info (1) - Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers
git-verify-pack (1)  - Validate packed Git archive files
gitignore (5)        - Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore
gitweb.conf (5)      - Gitweb (Git web interface) configuration file
GnuPG::Tie (3pm)     - Tied filehandle interface to encryption with the GNU P...
gouldtoppm (1)       - convert Gould scanner file into a portable pixmap
gperl (1)            - groff preprocessor for Perl parts in roff files
gpg-check-pattern (1) - Check a passphrase on stdin against the patternfile
gpg-zip (1)          - encrypt or sign files into an archive
gpgtar (1)           - Encrypt or sign files into an archive
gprof (1)            - display call graph profile data
grep-aptavail (1)    - grep Debian control files
grep-available (1)   - grep Debian control files
grep-dctrl (1)       - grep Debian control files
grep-debtags (1)     - grep Debian control files
grep-excuses (1)     - search the testing excuses files for a specific mainta...
grep-status (1)      - grep Debian control files
grepdiff (1)         - show files modified by a diff containing a regex
grn (1)              - groff preprocessor for gremlin files
groff_filenames (5)  - filename extensions for roff and groff
groff_font (5)       - format of groff device and font description files
groff_tmac (5)       - macro files in the roff typesetting system
groffer (1)          - display groff files and man pages on X and tty
group (5)            - user group file
group.conf (5)       - configuration file for the pam_group module
grpck (8)            - verify integrity of group files
grub-file (1)        - check file type
grub-fstest (1)      - debug tool for GRUB filesystem drivers
grub-kbdcomp (1)     - generate a GRUB keyboard layout file
grub-macbless (8)    - bless a mac file/directory
grub-mkconfig (8)    - generate a GRUB configuration file
grub-mkdevicemap (8) - make a device map file automatically
grub-mkfont (1)      - make GRUB font files
grub-mklayout (1)    - generate a GRUB keyboard layout file
grub-mount (1)       - export GRUB filesystem with FUSE
gshadow (5)          - shadowed group file
gunzip (1)           - compress or expand files
gxditview (1)        - display groff intermediate output files
gzexe (1)            - compress executable files in place
gzip (1)             - compress or expand files
h2ph (1)             - convert .h C header files to .ph Perl header files
h2xs (1)             - convert .h C header files to Perl extensions
hardlink (1)         - link multiple copies of a file
hd (1)               - display file contents in hexadecimal, decimal, octal, ...
hdparm.conf (5)      - Debian configuration file for hdparm
head (1)             - output the first part of files
helpztags (1)        - generate the help tags file for directory
hexdump (1)          - display file contents in hexadecimal, decimal, octal, ...
hexedit (1)          - view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII
hgignore (5)         - syntax for Mercurial ignore files
hgrc (5)             - configuration files for Mercurial
hier (7)             - description of the filesystem hierarchy
hipstopgm (1)        - convert a HIPS file into a portable graymap
host.conf (5)        - resolver configuration file
hostname (5)         - Local hostname configuration file
hosts.allow (5)      - format of host access control files
hosts.deny (5)       - format of host access control files
hosts_access (5)     - format of host access control files
hpftodit (1)         - create font description files for use with groff -Tlj4
htdigest (1)         - manage user files for digest authentication
html2textrc (5)      - formatting properties file for html2text(1)
HTML::Mason::Component::FileBased (3pm) - Mason File-Based Component Class
HTML::Mason::Resolver::File (3pm) - Component path resolver for file-based co...
htmltree (1p)        - Parse the given HTML file(s) and dump the parse tree
htpasswd (1)         - Manage user files for basic authentication
HTTP::Cookies::Netscape (3pm) - Access to Netscape cookies files
httxt2dbm (1)        - Generate dbm files for use with RewriteMap
icuexportdata (1)    - Writes text files with Unicode properties data from ICU.
ident (1)            - identify RCS keyword strings in files
identify (1)         - describes the format and characteristics of one or mor...
identify-im6 (1)     - describes the format and characteristics of one or mor...
identify-im6.q16 (1) - describes the format and characteristics of one or mor...
idlj (1)             - Generates Java bindings for a specified Interface Defi...
idmapd.conf (5)      - configuration file for libnfsidmap
ifnames (1)          - Extract CPP conditionals from a set of files
ilbmtoppm (1)        - convert an ILBM file into a portable pixmap
Image::ExifTool::CaptureOne (3pm) - Read Capture One EIP and COS files
Image::ExifTool::EXE (3pm) - Read executable file meta information
Image::ExifTool::Font (3pm) - Read meta information from font files
Image::ExifTool::ICC_Profile (3pm) - Read ICC Profile meta information
Image::ExifTool::Import (3pm) - Import CSV and JSON database files
Image::ExifTool::InDesign (3pm) - Read/write meta information in Adobe InDesi...
Image::ExifTool::iWork (3pm) - Read Apple iWork '09 XML+ZIP files
Image::ExifTool::JSON (3pm) - Read JSON files
Image::ExifTool::Lytro (3pm) - Read Lytro LFP files
Image::ExifTool::Matroska (3pm) - Read meta information from Matroska files
Image::ExifTool::MIFF (3pm) - Read Magick Image File Format meta information
Image::ExifTool::OOXML (3pm) - Read Office Open XML+ZIP files
Image::ExifTool::Palm (3pm) - Read Palm Database files
Image::ExifTool::PCX (3pm) - Read metadata from PC Paintbrush files
Image::ExifTool::PGF (3pm) - Read Progressive Graphics File meta information
Image::ExifTool::Red (3pm) - Read Redcode R3D video files
Image::ExifTool::Torrent (3pm) - Read information from BitTorrent file
Image::ExifTool::WriteQuickTime (3pm) - Write XMP to QuickTime (MOV and MP4) ...
Image::Info (3pm)    - Extract meta information from image files
Image::Xbm (3pm)     - Load, create, manipulate and save xbm image files.
Image::Xpm (3pm)     - Load, create, manipulate and save xpm image files.
imgtoppm (1)         - convert an Img-whatnot file into a portable pixmap
import (1)           - saves any visible window on an X server and outputs it...
import-im6 (1)       - saves any visible window on an X server and outputs it...
import-im6.q16 (1)   - saves any visible window on an X server and outputs it...
initramfs.conf (5)   - configuration file for mkinitramfs
inode (7)            - file inode information
inotify (7)          - monitoring filesystem events
install (1)          - copy files and set attributes
interdiff (1)        - show differences between two diff files
intro (4)            - introduction to special files
intro (5)            - introduction to file formats and filesystems
IO::AtomicFile (3pm) - write a file which is updated atomically
IO::Compress::Bzip2 (3perl) - Write bzip2 files/buffers
IO::Compress::Deflate (3perl) - Write RFC 1950 files/buffers
IO::Compress::Gzip (3perl) - Write RFC 1952 files/buffers
IO::Compress::RawDeflate (3perl) - Write RFC 1951 files/buffers
IO::Compress::Zip (3perl) - Write zip files/buffers
IO::File (3perl)     - supply object methods for filehandles
IO::HTML (3pm)       - Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
IO::InnerFile (3pm)  - define a file inside another file
IO::Multiplex (3pm)  - Manage IO on many file handles
IO::String (3pm)     - Emulate file interface for in-core strings
IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate (3perl) - Uncompress zlib-based (zip, gzip) file/b...
IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress (3perl) - Uncompress gzip, zip, bzip2, zstd, xz...
IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 (3perl) - Read bzip2 files/buffers
IO::Uncompress::Gunzip (3perl) - Read RFC 1952 files/buffers
IO::Uncompress::Inflate (3perl) - Read RFC 1950 files/buffers
IO::Uncompress::RawInflate (3perl) - Read RFC 1951 files/buffers
IO::Uncompress::Unzip (3perl) - Read zip files/buffers
IO::Wrap (3pm)       - wrap raw filehandles in IO::Handle interface
ipmi_lan (5)         - IPMI LAN Interface config file
isosize (8)          - output the length of an iso9660 filesystem
ispell (5)           - format of ispell dictionaries and affix files
ispell-autobuildhash (8) - Autobuilding the ispell hash file for some dicts
issue (5)            - prelogin message and identification file
jar (1)              - Manipulates Java Archive (JAR) files.
jarsigner (1)        - Signs and verifies Java Archive (JAR) files.
javac (1)            - Reads Java class and interface definitions and compile...
javadoc (1)          - Generates HTML pages of API documentation from Java so...
javah (1)            - Generates C header and source files from a Java class.
javap (1)            - Disassembles one or more class files.
jmap (1)             - Prints shared object memory maps or heap memory detail...
join (1)             - join lines of two files on a common field
journald.conf (5)    - Journal service configuration files
journald.conf.d (5)  - Journal service configuration files
journald@.conf (5)   - Journal service configuration files
jpegtopnm (1)        - convert JPEG/JFIF file to portable pixmap or graymap
jpegtran (1)         - lossless transformation of JPEG files
jsadebugd (1)        - Attaches to a Java process or core file and acts as a ...
jstack (1)           - Prints Java thread stack traces for a Java process, co...
keyboard (5)         - keyboard configuration file
kpseaccess (1)       - determine whether a file can be accessed
kpsestat (1)         - compute octal mode from mode of existing file
ldap.conf (5)        - LDAP configuration file/environment variables
lessfile (1)         - "input preprocessor" for less.
libaudit.conf (5)    - libaudit configuration file
libxml (3)           - library used to parse XML files
limits.conf (5)      - configuration file for the pam_limits module
link (1)             - call the link function to create a link to a file
Linux::Inotify2 (3pm) - scalable directory/file change notification
lispmtopgm (1)       - convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into pgm format
ln (1)               - make links between files
LOAD (7)             - load a shared library file
loader.conf (5)      - Configuration file for systemd-boot
locale (5)           - describes a locale definition file
locale-gen (8)       - generates localisation files from templates
locale.conf (5)      - Configuration file for locale settings
locale.gen (5)       - Configuration file for locale-gen
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::Gettext (3pm) - PO and MO file parser for Maketext
localedef (1)        - compile locale definition files
localtime (5)        - Local timezone configuration file
lockfile (1)         - conditional semaphore-file creator
lockfile-check (1)   - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files ...
lockfile-create (1)  - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files ...
lockfile-progs (1)   - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files ...
lockfile-remove (1)  - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files ...
lockfile-touch (1)   - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files ...
lockmail (1)         - create mail lock files
lockmail.maildrop (1) - create mail lock files
Log::Any::Adapter::File (3pm) - Simple adapter for logging to files
Log::Dispatch::File (3pm) - Object for logging to files
Log::Dispatch::File::Locked (3pm) - Subclass of Log::Dispatch::File to facili...
Log::Log4perl::Appender::File (3pm) - Log to file
Log::Log4perl::Appender::TestFileCreeper (3pm) - Intentionally slow test appe...
Log::Log4perl::Config (3pm) - Log4perl configuration file syntax
Log::Log4perl::Config::DOMConfigurator (3pm) - reads xml config files
Log::Log4perl::Config::PropertyConfig... (3pm) - reads properties file
Log::Log4perl::Config::Watch (3pm) - Detect file changes
Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::FileAppender (3pm) - wraps Log::Dispatch::File
Log::Log4perl::JavaMap::RollingFileAp... (3pm) - wraps Log::Dispatch::FileRotate
logind.conf (5)      - Login manager configuration files
logind.conf.d (5)    - Login manager configuration files
logresolve (1)       - Resolve IP-addresses to hostnames in Apache log files
logsave (8)          - save the output of a command in a logfile
lsattr (1)           - list file attributes on a Linux second extended file s...
lsdiff (1)           - show which files are modified by a patch
lsof (8)             - list open files
lto-dump-11 (1)      - Tool for dumping LTO object files
lto-dump-12 (1)      - Tool for dumping LTO object files
ltrace.conf (5)      - Configuration file for ltrace(1).
lvm.conf (5)         - Configuration file for LVM2
lwp-download (1p)    - Fetch large files from the web
LWP::MediaTypes (3pm) - guess media type for a file or a URL
lzcat (1)            - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
lzcmp (1)            - compare compressed files
lzdiff (1)           - compare compressed files
lzegrep (1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
lzfgrep (1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
lzgrep (1)           - search compressed files for a regular expression
lzless (1)           - view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
lzma (1)             - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
lzmainfo (1)         - show information stored in the .lzma file header
lzmore (1)           - view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
mac2unix (1)         - DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
machine-id (5)       - Local machine ID configuration file
machine-info (5)     - Local machine information file
macptopbm (1)        - convert a MacPaint file into a portable bitmap
magic (5)            - file command's magic pattern file
mail-lock (1)        - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files ...
mail-touchlock (1)   - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files ...
mail-unlock (1)      - command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files ...
Mail::Box::Dir (3pm) - handle folders with a file per message.
Mail::Box::File (3pm) - handle file-based folders
Mail::Box::File::Message (3pm) - one message in a Mbox folder
Mail::Box::Locker::DotLock (3pm) - lock a folder with a separate file
Mail::Box::Locker::FcntlLock (3pm) - lock a folder using File::FcntlLock
Mail::Box::Locker::Flock (3pm) - lock a folder using kernel file-locking
Mail::Box::Locker::NFS (3pm) - lock a folder with a separate file, NFS-safe
Mail::Box::Locker::POSIX (3pm) - lock a folder using kernel file-locking
Mail::Box::MH::Index (3pm) - keep index files for messages.
Mail::Box::Parser::Perl (3pm) - reading messages from file using Perl
Mail::Cap (3pm)      - understand mailcap files
Mail::Message::Body::File (3pm) - body of a message temporarily stored in a file
Mail::Message::Construct::Read (3pm) - read a Mail::Message from a file handle
mailcap (5)          - metamail capabilities file
makedat (1)          - create GDBM/DB files for maildrop
makedat.maildrop (1) - create GDBM/DB files for maildrop
makedatprog (1)      - create GDBM/DB files for maildrop
makedefs (1)         - Postfix makefile configuration utility
makejvf (1)          - Make Japanese VF file from Japanese  TFM file
manpath (5)          - format of the /etc/manpath.config file
MARC::Batch (3pm)    - Perl module for handling files of MARC::Record objects
MARC::File (3pm)     - Base class for files of MARC records
MARC::File::Encode (3pm) - Encode wrapper for MARC::Record
MARC::File::MicroLIF (3pm) - MicroLIF-specific file handling
MARC::File::USMARC (3pm) - USMARC-specific file handling
mass-bug (1)         - mass-file a bug report against a list of packages
master (5)           - Postfix master process configuration file format
mcedit (1)           - Internal file editor of GNU Midnight Commander.
mcview (1)           - Internal file viewer of GNU Midnight Commander.
mdatopbm (1)         - convert a Microdesign .mda or .mdp file into a portabl...
mediainfo (1)        - command line utility to display information about audi...
Memoize::AnyDBM_File (3perl) - glue to provide EXISTS for AnyDBM_File for Sto...
Memoize::ExpireFile (3perl) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
Memoize::NDBM_File (3perl) - glue to provide EXISTS for NDBM_File for Storabl...
Memoize::SDBM_File (3perl) - glue to provide EXISTS for SDBM_File for Storabl...
memusage (1)         - profile memory usage of a program
merge (1)            - three-way file merge
mergechanges (1)     - merge multiple changes files
mh-alias (5mh)       - format of nmh email-address alias files
mh-mkstemp (1mh)     - create a temporary file
mh-profile (5mh)     - user customization for nmh message handler
mh_profile (5mh)     - user customization for nmh message handler
mhparam (1mh)        - print nmh profile and context components
mhstore (1mh)        - store contents of nmh MIME messages into files
mib2c.conf (5)       - How to write mib2c.conf files to do ANYTHING based on ...
MIDI (3pm)           - read, compose, modify, and write MIDI files
MIDI::Filespec (3pm) - - MIDI File Specification
MIME::Parser::Filer (3pm) - manage file-output of the parser
mimeview (1)         - display files, using mailcap mechanism.
mk-origtargz (1)     - rename upstream tarball, optionally changing the compr...
mk_modmap (8)        - translate a Linux keytable file into an xmodmap file
mkdosfs (8)          - create an MS-DOS FAT filesystem
mke2fs (8)           - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
mke2fs.conf (5)      - Configuration file for mke2fs
mkfs (8)             - build a Linux filesystem
mkfs.bfs (8)         - make an SCO bfs filesystem
mkfs.btrfs (8)       - create a btrfs filesystem
mkfs.cramfs (8)      - make compressed ROM file system
mkfs.ext2 (8)        - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
mkfs.ext3 (8)        - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
mkfs.ext4 (8)        - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 file system
mkfs.fat (8)         - create an MS-DOS FAT filesystem
mkfs.minix (8)       - make a Minix filesystem
mkfs.msdos (8)       - create an MS-DOS FAT filesystem
mkfs.ntfs (8)        - create an NTFS file system
mkfs.vfat (8)        - create an MS-DOS FAT filesystem
mkfs.xfs (8)         - construct an XFS filesystem
mkindex (1)          - script to process LaTeX index and glossary files
mklost+found (8)     - create a lost+found directory on a mounted Linux secon...
mknod (1)            - make block or character special files
mkntfs (8)           - create an NTFS file system
mktemp (1)           - create a temporary file or directory
mktexmf (1)          - create a Metafont source file
mktexpk (1)          - create a PK file for a font
mktextfm (1)         - create a TFM file for a font
Module::Build::PPMMaker (3pm) - Perl Package Manager file creation
Module::Load (3perl) - runtime require of both modules and files
Module::Metadata (3perl) - Gather package and POD information from perl modul...
mogrify (1)          - resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw o...
mogrify-im6 (1)      - resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw o...
mogrify-im6.q16 (1)  - resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw o...
MongoDB::GridFSBucket (3pm) - A file storage abstraction
MongoDB::GridFSBucket::DownloadStream (3pm) - File handle abstraction for dow...
MongoDB::GridFSBucket::UploadStream (3pm) - File handle abstraction for uploa...
more (1)             - file perusal filter for crt viewing
mount (8)            - mount a filesystem
mount.fuse (8)       - configuration and mount options for FUSE file systems
mount.fuse3 (8)      - configuration and mount options for FUSE file systems
mount.nfs (8)        - mount a Network File System
mountpoint (1)       - see if a directory or file is a mountpoint
MP3::Info (3pm)      - Manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files
mpack (1)            - pack a file in MIME format
msxlint (1)          - detects incorrectly formatted notes lines in a MusiXTe...
multipath.conf (5)   - multipath daemon configuration file.
multitail (1)        - browse through several files at once
mutt_dotlock (1)     - Lock mail spool files.
muttrc (5)           - Configuration file for the Mutt Mail User Agent
mv (1)               - move (rename) files
mysqldumpslow (1)    - Summarize slow query log files
namespace.conf (5)   - the namespace configuration file
nanorc (5)           - GNU nano's configuration file
native2ascii (1)     - Creates localizable applications by converting a file ...
ncftp (1)            - Browser program for the File Transfer Protocol
ncftp3 (1)           - Browser program for the File Transfer Protocol
ncftpget (1)         - Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncftpls (1)          - Internet file transfer program for scripts
ncftpput (1)         - Internet file transfer program for scripts
NDBM_File (3perl)    - Tied access to ndbm files
Net::DNS::ZoneFile (3pm) - DNS zone file
Net::Netrc (3perl)   - OO interface to users netrc file
Net::SSLeay::Handle (3pm) - Perl module that lets SSL (HTTPS) sockets be hand...
netplan-apply (8)    - apply configuration from netplan YAML files to a runni...
netplan-generate (8) - generate backend configuration from netplan YAML files
netplan-set (8)      - write netplan YAML configuration snippets to file
networkd.conf (5)    - Global Network configuration files
networkd.conf.d (5)  - Global Network configuration files
nfs (5)              - fstab format and options for the nfs file systems
nfsmount.conf (5)    - Configuration file for NFS mounts
nl (1)               - number lines of files
nm (1)               - list symbols from object files
nntidy (1)           - tidy your personal .newsrc file
nss (5)              - Name Service Switch configuration file
nsswitch.conf (5)    - Name Service Switch configuration file
ntfscat (8)          - print NTFS files and streams on the standard output
ntfscluster (8)      - identify files in a specified region of an NTFS volume.
ntfscmp (8)          - compare two NTFS filesystems and tell the differences
ntfscp (8)           - copy file to an NTFS volume.
ntfsdecrypt (8)      - decrypt or update NTFS files encrypted according to EFS
ntfsfallocate (8)    - preallocate space to a file on an NTFS volume
ntfsinfo (8)         - dump a file's attributes
ntfslabel (8)        - display/change the label on an ntfs file system
ntfsls (8)           - list directory contents on an NTFS filesystem
ntfsresize (8)       - resize an NTFS filesystem without data loss
ntfstruncate (8)     - truncate a file on an NTFS volume
ntfsundelete (8)     - recover a deleted file from an NTFS volume.
ntfsusermap (8)      - NTFS Building a User Mapping File
ntp.conf (5)         - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon configuration file ...
ntp.keys (5)         - NTP symmetric key file format
objcopy (1)          - copy and translate object files
objdump (1)          - display information from object files
od (1)               - dump files in octal and other formats
ODBM_File (3perl)    - Tied access to odbm files
odvicopy (1)         - produce modified copy of DVI file
odvitype (1)         - translate a dvi file for humans
ofm2opl (1)          - convert Omega and TeX font-metric files to property-li...
open (1)             - opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application
openssl-pkcs12 (1ssl) - PKCS#12 file command
openssl-rehash (1ssl) - Create symbolic links to files named by the hash values
openssl-srp (1ssl)   - maintain SRP password file
opl2ofm (1)          - convert Omega and TeX property-list files to font-metr...
ossl_store-file (7ssl) - The store 'file' scheme loader
otp2ocp (1)          - convert Omega Translation Process files to Omega Compi...
outocp (1)           - debug an OCP file
overlayroot-chroot (8) - chroot into the lower filesystem in a writable mode
ovf2ovp (1)          - convert virtual font file and associated font metrics ...
ovp2ovf (1)          - convert a virtual property-list file into a virtual fo...
pack200 (1)          - Packages a JAR file into a compressed pack200 file for...
packf (1mh)          - pack messages in nmh folder into a single file
pam (5)              - portable arbitrary map file format
pam-auth-update (8)  - manage PAM configuration using packaged profiles
pam.conf (5)         - PAM configuration files
pam.d (5)            - PAM configuration files
pam_env.conf (5)     - the environment variables config files
pam_issue (8)        - PAM module to add issue file to user prompt
pam_listfile (8)     - deny or allow services based on an arbitrary file
pam_motd (8)         - Display the motd file
pam_umask (8)        - PAM module to set the file mode creation mask
pamfile (1)          - describe a Netpbm (PAM or PNM) file
Parse::CPAN::Meta (3perl) - Parse META.yml and META.json CPAN metadata files
Parse::DebControl (3pm) - Easy OO parsing of debian control-like files
Parse::DebControl::Patch (3pm) - Easy OO parsing of debian patch file metadat...
passwd (5)           - the password file
paste (1)            - merge lines of files
patch (1)            - apply a diff file to an original
patchview (1)        - Without options, show numbered files modified by the p...
Path::Class::Entity (3pm) - Base class for files and directories
Path::Class::File (3pm) - Objects representing files
path_resolution (7)  - how a pathname is resolved to a file
pathchk (1)          - check whether file names are valid or portable
pbget (1)            - compress and encode arbitrary files to
pbm (5)              - portable bitmap file format
pbmtog3 (1)          - convert a portable bitmap into a Group 3 fax file
pbmtogem (1)         - convert a portable bitmap into a GEM .img file
pbmtomacp (1)        - convert a portable bitmap into a MacPaint file
pbmtopi3 (1)         - convert a portable bitmap into an Atari Degas .pi3 file
pbmtoplot (1)        - convert a portable bitmap into a Unix plot(5) file
pbmtowbmp (1)        - convert a portable bitmap to a wireless bitmap (wbmp) ...
pbmtoybm (1)         - convert a portable bitmap into a Bennet Yee "face" file
pbput (1)            - compress and encode arbitrary files to
pbputs (1)           - compress and encode arbitrary files to
pcxtoppm (1)         - convert a PCX file into a portable pixmap
PDF::API2 (3pm)      - Create, modify, and examine PDF files
PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::File (3pm) - Low-level PDF file access
PDF::API2::Resource::ColorSpace::Inde... (3pm) - Adobe Color Table support
PDF::Create (3pm)    - Create PDF files.
pdfattach (1)        - Portable Document Format (PDF) document embedded file ...
pdfclose (1)         - open or close a PDF file viewer
pdfdetach (1)        - Portable Document Format (PDF) document embedded file ...
pdfopen (1)          - open or close a PDF file viewer
pdftohtml (1)        - program to convert PDF files into HTML, XML and PNG im...
pdftosrc (1)         - extract source file or stream from PDF file
peekfd (1)           - peek at file descriptors of running processes
perlfaq5 (1)         - Files and Formats
perlopentut (1)      - simple recipes for opening files and pipes in Perl
pf2afm (1)           - Make an AFM file from Postscript (PFB/PFA/PFM) font fi...
pfb2pfa (1)          - convert a type1 pfb file (binary MSDOS) into a pfa (AS...
pfbtops (1)          - translate Printer Font Binary files to PostScript ASCII
pg_dump (1)          - extract a PostgreSQL database into a script file or ot...
pg_dumpall (1)       - extract a PostgreSQL database cluster into a script file
pg_restore (1)       - restore a PostgreSQL database from an archive file cre...
pgm (5)              - portable graymap file format
pi3topbm (1)         - convert an Atari Degas .pi3 file into a portable bitmap
pivot_root (8)       - change the root filesystem
pjtoppm (1)          - convert an HP PaintJet file to a portable pixmap
pktogf (1)           - convert packed font files to generic font files
pktype (1)           - verify and translate a packed font bitmap file to plai...
pl2pm (1)            - Rough tool to translate Perl4 .pl files to Perl5 .pm m...
pltotf (1)           - convert property list files to TeX font metric (tfm) f...
Plucene::Index::TermInfosReader (3pm) - read the term infos file
Plucene::Index::TermInfosWriter (3pm) - write to the term infos file
pngtopnm (1)         - convert a Portable Network Graphics file into portable...
pnm (5)              - portable anymap file format
pnmcomp (1)          - composite (overlay) two portable anymap files together
pnmfile (1)          - describe a portable anymap
pnmhistmap (1)       - draw a histogram for a PGM or PPM file
pnmsplit (1)         - split a multi-image portable anymap into multiple sing...
pnmtofiasco (1)      - Convert a portable anymap to FIASCO compressed file
pnmtopng (1)         - convert a portable anymap into a Portable Network Grap...
pnmtorast (1)        - convert a portable pixmap into a Sun rasterfile
pnmtorle (1)         - convert a Netpbm image file into an RLE image file.
pnmtosgi (1)         - convert a portable anymap to a SGI image file
pnmtotiff (1)        - convert a portable anymap into a TIFF file
pnmtotiffcmyk (1)    - convert a portable anymap into a CMYK encoded TIFF file
pod2html (1)         - convert .pod files to .html files
pod2usage (1)        - print usage messages from embedded pod docs in files
Pod::Html (3perl)    - module to convert pod files to HTML
Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch (3perl) - convert several Pod files to several HTML files
podchecker (1)       - check the syntax of POD format documentation files
POE::Resource::FileHandles (3pm) - internal filehandle manager for POE::Kernel
POE::Wheel::FollowTail (3pm) - follow the tail of an ever-growing file
policytool (1)       - Reads and writes a plain text policy file based on use...
pooltype (1)         - display a WEB pool file
postcat (1)          - show Postfix queue file contents
ppm (5)              - portable pixmap file format
ppmcolormask (1)     - produce mask of areas of a certain color in a PPM file
ppmfade (1)          - generate a transition between two image files using sp...
ppmquantall (1)      - run ppmquant on a bunch of files all at once, so they ...
ppmtobmp (1)         - convert a portable pixmap into a BMP file
ppmtoeyuv (1)        - convert a portable pixmap into a Berkeley YUV file
ppmtogif (1)         - convert a portable pixmap into a GIF file
ppmtoilbm (1)        - convert a portable pixmap into an ILBM file
ppmtolj (1)          - convert a portable pixmap to an HP LaserJet PCL 5 Colo...
ppmtomitsu (1)       - convert a portable pixmap to a Mitsubishi S340-10 file
ppmtoneo (1)         - convert a portable pixmap into an Atari Neochrome .neo...
ppmtopcx (1)         - convert a portable pixmap into a PCX file
ppmtopi1 (1)         - convert a portable pixmap into an Atari Degas .pi1 file
ppmtopict (1)        - convert a portable pixmap into a Macintosh PICT file
ppmtopj (1)          - convert a portable pixmap to an HP PaintJet file
ppmtopuzz (1)        - convert a portable pixmap into an X11 "puzzle" file
ppmtotga (1)         - convert portable pixmap into a TrueVision Targa file
ppmtouil (1)         - convert a portable pixmap into a Motif UIL icon file
ppmtowinicon (1)     - convert 1 or more portable pixmaps into a Windows .ico...
ppmtoyuv (1)         - convert a portable pixmap into an Abekas YUV file
ppmtoyuvsplit (1)    - convert a portable pixmap into 3 subsampled raw YUV files
pr (1)               - convert text files for printing
preconv (1)          - convert encoding of input files to something GNU troff...
print (1)            - execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
proc (5)             - process information pseudo-filesystem
procfs (5)           - process information pseudo-filesystem
procmailex (5)       - procmail rcfile examples
procmailrc (5)       - procmail rcfile
proftpd (8)          - Professional configurable, secure file transfer protoc...
proftpd.conf (5)     - ProFTPD server configuration file
projid (5)           - the project name mapping file
protocols (5)        - protocols definition file
pstopnm (1)          - convert a PostScript file into a portable anymap
pstore.conf (5)      - PStore configuration file
pstore.conf.d (5)    - PStore configuration file
ptargrep (1)         - Apply pattern matching to the contents of files in a t...
ptftopl (1)          - Convert Japanese p font metric (JFM) files to propery ...
ptx (1)              - produce a permuted index of file contents
pwck (8)             - verify integrity of password files
py3clean (1)         - removes .pyc and .pyo files
py3compile (1)       - byte compile Python 3 source files
py3rsa-decrypt (1)   - decrypt a file
py3rsa-encrypt (1)   - encrypt a file
py3rsa-sign (1)      - sign a file
pygmentize (1)       - highlights the input file
qsgrep (1)           - prints matching patterns within a file.
qstail (1)           - an utility printing the end of a log file starting at ...
qt-faststart (1)     - utility for Quicktime files
rasttopnm (1)        - convert a Sun rasterfile into a portable anymap
rcp (1)              - OpenSSH secure file copy
rcsclean (1)         - clean up working files
rcsfile (5)          - format
rcvpack (1mh)        - append an email from standard input to a file
rdjpgcom (1)         - display text comments from a JPEG file
rdoc (1)             - Generate documentation from Ruby script files
rdoc3.0 (1)          - Generate documentation from Ruby script files
readelf (1)          - display information about ELF files
readfile (3am)       - return the entire contents of a file as a string
readlink (1)         - print resolved symbolic links or canonical file names
readprofile (8)      - read kernel profiling information
recode (1)           - converts files between character sets
refile (1mh)         - file message in nmh folders
Regexp::Common::URI::file (3pm) - - Returns a pattern for file URIs.
Regexp::Common::URI::news (3pm) - - Returns a pattern for file URIs.
request-key.conf (5) - Instantiation handler configuration file
resize2fs (8)        - ext2/ext3/ext4 file system resizer
resolv.conf (5)      - resolver configuration file
resolved.conf (5)    - Network Name Resolution configuration files
resolved.conf.d (5)  - Network Name Resolution configuration files
resolver (5)         - resolver configuration file
rletopnm (1)         - convert a Utah Raster Tools RLE image file into a PNM ...
rm (1)               - remove files or directories
rrdflushcached (1)   - Flush the values for a specific RRD file from memory.
rrdresize (1)        - alters the size of an RRA and creates a new .rrd file
rsync (1)            - a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool
rsyncd.conf (5)      - configuration file for rsync in daemon mode
rsyslog.conf (5)     - rsyslogd(8) configuration file
run-mailcap (1)      - execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
rwarray (3am)        - write and read gawk arrays to/from files
sa1 (8)              - Collect and store binary data in the system activity d...
sa2 (8)              - Create a report from the current standard system activ...
safecat (1)          - safely write data to a file
sass (1)             - Sass compiles CSS from SASS files
sass-convert (1)     - sass-convert converts files between CSS
savelog (8)          - save a log file
sbigtopgm (1)        - convert an SBIG CCDOPS file into a portable graymap
scp (1)              - OpenSSH secure file copy
scss (1)             - Scss compiles CSS from SCSS (Sassy CSS) files
SDBM_File (3perl)    - Tied access to sdbm files
sdiff (1)            - side-by-side merge of file differences
Search::Dict (3perl) - look - search for key in dictionary file
see (1)              - execute programs via entries in the mailcap file
SelectSaver (3perl)  - save and restore selected file handle
semanage.conf (5)    - global configuration file for the SELinux Management l...
sendfiles (1mh)      - send multiple files by MIME message with nmh
sepermit.conf (5)    - configuration file for the pam_sepermit module
setcap (8)           - set file capabilities
setfacl (1)          - set file access control lists
setfattr (1)         - set extended attributes of filesystem objects
setlock (8)          - runs another program with a file locked.
sftp (1)             - OpenSSH secure file transfer
sg_dd (8)            - copy data to and from files and devices, especially SC...
sg_xcopy (8)         - copy data to and from files and devices using SCSI EXT...
sgitopnm (1)         - convert a SGI image file to a portable anymap
sgm_dd (8)           - copy data to and from files and devices, especially SC...
sgp_dd (8)           - copy data to and from files and devices, especially SC...
shadow (5)           - shadowed password file
shred (1)            - overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally ...
sirtopnm (1)         - convert a Solitaire file into a portable anymap
size (1)             - list section sizes and total size of binary files
sldtoppm (1)         - convert an AutoCAD slide file into a portable pixmap
sleep.conf.d (5)     - Suspend and hibernation configuration file
slrn_getdescs (8)    - weekly update of newsgroups descriptions file
smartd.conf (5)      - SMART Disk Monitoring Daemon Configuration File
snmp.conf (5)        - configuration files for the Net-SNMP applications
snmp_config (5)      - handling of Net-SNMP configuration files
snmpconf (1)         - creates and modifies SNMP configuration files
sort (1)             - sort lines of text files
sort-dctrl (1)       - sort Debian control files
spctoppm (1)         - convert an Atari compressed Spectrum file into a porta...
split (1)            - split a file into pieces
split-logfile (8)    - Split combined virtual hosts access log into one file ...
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel (3pm) - Read information from an Excel file.
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::SaveParser (3pm) - Rewrite an existing Excel file.
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel (3pm) - Write to a cross-platform Excel binary file.
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::Big (3pm) - A class for creating Excel files > 7MB.
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel::OLEwriter (3pm) - A writer class to store BIFF data ...
Spreadsheet::XLSX (3pm) - Perl extension for reading MS Excel 2007 files;
spufs (7)            - SPU filesystem
sputoppm (1)         - convert an Atari uncompressed Spectrum file into a por...
ssh-import-id (1)    - retrieve one or more public keys from a public keyserv...
ssh-import-id-gh (1) - retrieve one or more public keys from a public keyserv...
ssh-import-id-lp (1) - retrieve one or more public keys from a public keyserv...
ssh_config (5)       - OpenSSH client configuration file
sshd_config (5)      - OpenSSH daemon configuration file
st4topgm (1)         - convert an SBIG ST4 format file into a portable graymap
stat (1)             - display file or file system status
streamzip (1)        - create a zip file from stdin
strfile (1)          - create a random access file for storing strings
strings (1)          - print the sequences of printable characters in files
strip (1)            - discard symbols and other data from object files
stubmaker (1p)       - Generates client stubs from a WSDL file.
subgid (5)           - the subordinate gid file
subuid (5)           - the subordinate uid file
suffixes (7)         - list of file suffixes
sum (1)              - checksum and count the blocks in a file
suspicious-source (1) - search for files that do not meet the GPL's definitio...
svn-backup-dumps (1) - Create dumpfiles to backup a subversion repository.
svn-clean (1)        - Wipes out unversioned files from Subversion working copy
SVN::Fs (3perl)      - Subversion filesystem functions
svndumpfilter (1)    - Filter a subversion repository 'dumpfile'.
svnserve.conf (5)    - Repository configuration file for svnserve
swapoff (8)          - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping
swapon (8)           - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping
switch_root (8)      - switch to another filesystem as the root of the mount ...
synctex (5)          - Synchronize TeXnology help file
Sys::Utmp (3pm)      - Object(ish) Interface to UTMP files.
sysctl.conf (5)      - sysctl preload/configuration file
sysfs (5)            - a filesystem for exporting kernel objects
sysstat (5)          - sysstat configuration file.
system.conf.d (5)    - System and session service manager configuration files
systemd-delta (1)    - Find overridden configuration files
systemd-fsck (8)     - File system checker logic
systemd-fsck-root.service (8) - File system checker logic
systemd-fsck@.service (8) - File system checker logic
systemd-fsckd (8)    - File system check progress reporting
systemd-fsckd.service (8) - File system check progress reporting
systemd-fsckd.socket (8) - File system check progress reporting
systemd-growfs (8)   - Creating and growing file systems on demand
systemd-growfs@.service (8) - Creating and growing file systems on demand
systemd-makefs (8)   - Creating and growing file systems on demand
systemd-makefs@.service (8) - Creating and growing file systems on demand
systemd-mkswap@.service (8) - Creating and growing file systems on demand
systemd-quotacheck (8) - File system quota checker logic
systemd-quotacheck.service (8) - File system quota checker logic
systemd-remount-fs (8) - Remount root and kernel file systems
systemd-remount-fs.service (8) - Remount root and kernel file systems
systemd-sleep.conf (5) - Suspend and hibernation configuration file
systemd-system.conf (5) - System and session service manager configuration files
systemd-tmpfiles (8) - Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile and temporary ...
systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service (8) - Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile ...
systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer (8) - Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile an...
systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service (8) - Creates, deletes and cleans up volat...
systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service (8) - Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile ...
systemd-user.conf (5) - System and session service manager configuration files
systemd-volatile-root (8) - Make the root file system volatile
systemd-volatile-root.service (8) - Make the root file system volatile
systemd-xdg-autostart-generator (8) - User unit generator for XDG autostart f...
systemd.environment-generator (7) - systemd environment file generators
systemd.negative (5) - DNSSEC trust anchor configuration files
systemd.positive (5) - DNSSEC trust anchor configuration files
systemd.syntax (7)   - General syntax of systemd configuration files
tac (1)              - concatenate and print files in reverse
tail (1)             - output the last part of files
TAP::Formatter::File (3perl) - Harness output delegate for file output
TAP::Formatter::File::Session (3perl) - Harness output delegate for file output
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream (3perl) - Iterator for filehandle-based TAP sou...
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::File (3perl) - Stream TAP from a text file.
tcsh (1)             - C shell with file name completion and command line edi...
tee (1)              - read from standard input and write to standard output ...
tempfile (1)         - create a temporary file in a safe manner
Template::Plugin::Datafile (3pm) - Plugin to construct records from a simple ...
Template::Plugin::File (3pm) - Plugin providing information about files
Template::Tutorial::Datafile (3pm) - Creating Data Output Files Using the Tem...
term (5)             - format of compiled term file.
test (1)             - check file types and compare values
Test2::IPC::Driver::Files (3perl) - Temp dir + Files concurrency model.
Text::Diff (3pm)     - Perform diffs on files and record sets
tfmtodit (1)         - create font files for use with groff -Tdvi
tftopl (1)           - convert TeX font metric (tfm) files to property lists
tgatoppm (1)         - convert TrueVision Targa file into a portable pixmap
thin_check (8)       - validates thin provisioning metadata on a device or file
thin_dump (8)        - dump thin provisioning metadata from device or file to...
thin_metadata_size (8) - thin provisioning metadata device/file size calculator.
thin_restore (8)     - restore thin provisioning metadata file to device or f...
thin_rmap (8)        - output reverse map of a thin provisioned region of blo...
thinkjettopbm (1)    - convert HP ThinkJet printer commands file to PBM
tidy (1)             - check, correct, and pretty-print HTML(5) files
tie (1)              - merge or apply WEB change files
Tie::File (3perl)    - Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array
tifftopnm (1)        - convert a TIFF file into a portable anymap
time.conf (5)        - configuration file for the pam_time module
tin (5)              - related files
tmpfiles.d (5)       - Configuration for creation, deletion and cleaning of v...
tmpreaper (8)        - removes files which haven't been accessed for a period...
tnftp (1)            - Internet file transfer program
todos (1)            - Converts text files between DOS and Unix formats.
touch (1)            - change file timestamps
transform-fdt (1p)   - transform .fdt files to new file format
truncate (1)         - shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size
ttf2afm (1)          - utility to generate AFM files for TrueType fonts
ttf2tfm (1)          - build TeX metric files from a TrueType font
ttfdump (1)          - Dumping the contents of a TrueType Font file
tty (1)              - print the file name of the terminal connected to stand...
tune2fs (8)          - adjust tunable file system parameters on ext2/ext3/ext...
tzfile (5)           - timezone information
ubuntu-bug (1)       - file a bug report using Apport, or update an existing ...
ucf (1)              - Update Configuration File: preserve user changes in co...
ucf.conf (5)         - site-wide configuration file for ucf
ucfr (1)             - Update Configuration File Registry: associate packages...
udisks2.conf (5)     - The udisks2 configuration file
ujguess (1p)         - - Guess encoding of given files
umount (8)           - unmount filesystems
umount.nfs (8)       - unmount a Network File System
umount.udisks2 (8)   - unmount file systems that have been mounted by UDisks2
uncompress (1)       - compress or expand files
unix2dos (1)         - DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
unix2mac (1)         - DOS/Mac to Unix and vice versa text file format converter
unlink (1)           - call the unlink function to remove the specified file
unlzma (1)           - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
unpack200 (1)        - Transforms a packed file produced by pack200(1) into a...
unxz (1)             - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
unzip (1)            - list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
unzstd (1)           - zstd, zstdmt, unzstd, zstdcat - Compress or decompress...
update-catalog (8)   - create or update entry in SGML catalog file
update-info-dir (8)  - update or create index file from all installed info fi...
update-initramfs.conf (5) - configuration file for update-initramfs
update-leap (1)      - leap-seconds file manager/updater
update-tl-stacked-conffile (8) - generate
update-xmlcatalog (8) - maintain XML catalog files
uptftopl (1)         - Convert Japanese p font metric (JFM) files to propery ...
URI::file (3pm)      - URI that maps to local file names
URI::Title::HTML (3pm) - get titles of html files
URI::Title::MP3 (3pm) - get titles of MP3 files
URI::Title::PDF (3pm) - get titles of PDF files
user.conf.d (5)      - System and session service manager configuration files
user_clusters (5)    - File linking users to PostgreSQL clusters
userdel (8)          - delete a user account and related files
utmpdump (1)         - dump UTMP and WTMP files in raw format
utmpset (8)          - logout a line from utmp and wtmp file
uudecode (1)         - decode an encoded file
uuencode (1)         - encode a file into email friendly text
uuencode (5)         - format of an encoded uuencode file
vftovp (1)           - convert virtual font (vf) files to virtual property li...
vgmknodes (8)        - Create the special files for volume group devices in /dev
vigpg (1)            - open and edit an encrypted file
vigr (8)             - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-gr...
vimdiff (1)          - edit between two and eight versions of a file with Vim...
vipw (8)             - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-gr...
visudo (8)           - edit the sudoers file
vmware-xferlogs (1)  - dump vm-support output to vmx logfile
wbmptopbm (1)        - convert a wireless bitmap (wbmp) file to a portable bi...
wc (1)               - print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
wdiff (1)            - display word differences between text files
whereis (1)          - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a...
winicontoppm (1)     - convert a Windows .ico file into 1 or more portable pi...
wrap-and-sort (1)    - wrap long lines and sort items in Debian packaging files
wrjpgcom (1)         - insert text comments into a JPEG file
wsimport (1)         - Generates JAX-WS portable artifacts that can be packag...
WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File (3pm) - Persistent RobotRules
x86_64-linux-gnu-addr2line (1) - convert addresses into file names and line n...
x86_64-linux-gnu-elfedit (1) - update ELF header and program property of ELF ...
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-dump (1) - offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-dump-11 (1) - offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-dump-12 (1) - offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-dump-9 (1) - offline gcda and gcno profile dump tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-tool (1) - offline gcda profile processing tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-tool-11 (1) - offline gcda profile processing tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-tool-12 (1) - offline gcda profile processing tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gcov-tool-9 (1) - offline gcda profile processing tool
x86_64-linux-gnu-gprof (1) - display call graph profile data
x86_64-linux-gnu-lto-dump-11 (1) - Tool for dumping LTO object files
x86_64-linux-gnu-lto-dump-12 (1) - Tool for dumping LTO object files
x86_64-linux-gnu-nm (1) - list symbols from object files
x86_64-linux-gnu-objcopy (1) - copy and translate object files
x86_64-linux-gnu-objdump (1) - display information from object files
x86_64-linux-gnu-readelf (1) - display information about ELF files
x86_64-linux-gnu-size (1) - list section sizes and total size of binary files
x86_64-linux-gnu-strings (1) - print the sequences of printable characters in...
x86_64-linux-gnu-strip (1) - discard symbols and other data from object files
xauth (1)            - X authority file utility
xdg-mime (1)         - command line tool for querying information about file ...
xdg-open (1)         - opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application
xdvipdfmx (1)        - produce PDF files directly from DVI files
xferlog (5)          - ProFTPD server logfile
xfs (5)              - layout, mount options, and supported file attributes f...
xfs_admin (8)        - change parameters of an XFS filesystem
xfs_bmap (8)         - print block mapping for an XFS file
xfs_copy (8)         - copy the contents of an XFS filesystem
xfs_db (8)           - debug an XFS filesystem
xfs_estimate (8)     - estimate the space that an XFS filesystem will take
xfs_freeze (8)       - suspend access to an XFS filesystem
xfs_fsr (8)          - filesystem reorganizer for XFS
xfs_growfs (8)       - expand an XFS filesystem
xfs_info (8)         - display XFS filesystem geometry information
xfs_io (8)           - debug the I/O path of an XFS filesystem
xfs_logprint (8)     - print the log of an XFS filesystem
xfs_mdrestore (8)    - restores an XFS metadump image to a filesystem image
xfs_metadump (8)     - copy XFS filesystem metadata to a file
xfs_mkfile (8)       - create an XFS file
xfs_quota (8)        - manage use of quota on XFS filesystems
xfs_repair (8)       - repair an XFS filesystem
xfs_scrub (8)        - check and repair the contents of a mounted XFS filesystem
xfs_scrub_all (8)    - scrub all mounted XFS filesystems
xfs_spaceman (8)     - show free space information about an XFS filesystem
xfsdump (8)          - XFS filesystem incremental dump utility
xfsrestore (8)       - XFS filesystem incremental restore utility
ximtoppm (1)         - convert an Xim file into a portable pixmap
xjc (1)              - Compiles an XML schema file into fully annotated Java ...
xkeyboard-config (7) - XKB data description files
XML::CSV (3pm)       - Perl extension converting CSV files to XML
XML::RSS (3pm)       - creates and updates RSS files
XML::Simple (3pm)    - An API for simple XML files
XML::Stream::IO::Select::Win32 (3pm) - Fake filehandle support for XML::Stream
xorg.conf (5)        - configuration files for Xorg X server
xorg.conf.d (5)      - configuration files for Xorg X server
xwdtopnm (1)         - convert a X11 or X10 window dump file into a portable ...
xz (1)               - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
xzcat (1)            - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
xzcmp (1)            - compare compressed files
xzdiff (1)           - compare compressed files
xzegrep (1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzfgrep (1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzgrep (1)           - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzless (1)           - view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
xzmore (1)           - view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
ybmtopbm (1)         - convert a Bennet Yee "face" file into a portable bitmap
yuvsplittoppm (1)    - convert a Y- and a U- and a V-file into a portable pixmap
zcat (1)             - compress or expand files
zcmp (1)             - compare compressed files
zdiff (1)            - compare compressed files
zegrep (1)           - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zeisstopnm (1)       - convert a Zeiss confocal file into a portable anymap
zerofree (8)         - zero free blocks from ext2, ext3 and ext4 file-systems
zfgrep (1)           - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zforce (1)           - force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
zgrep (1)            - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zip (1)              - package and compress (archive) files
zipcloak (1)         - encrypt entries in a zipfile
zipdetails (1)       - display the internal structure of zip files
zipgrep (1)          - search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pat...
zipnote (1)          - write the comments in zipfile to stdout, edit comments...
zipsplit (1)         - split a zipfile into smaller zipfiles
zless (1)            - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
zmore (1)            - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
znew (1)             - recompress .Z files to .gz files
zstd (1)             - zstd, zstdmt, unzstd, zstdcat - Compress or decompress...
zstdcat (1)          - zstd, zstdmt, unzstd, zstdcat - Compress or decompress...
zstdgrep (1)         - print lines matching a pattern in zstandard-compressed...
zstdless (1)         - view zstandard-compressed files
zstdmt (1)           - zstd, zstdmt, unzstd, zstdcat - Compress or decompress...

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