File:, Node: sleep invocation, Up: Delaying 25.1 'sleep': Delay for a specified time ======================================== 'sleep' pauses for an amount of time specified by the sum of the values of the command line arguments. Synopsis: sleep NUMBER[smhd]... Each argument is a non-negative number followed by an optional unit; the default is seconds. The units are: 's' seconds 'm' minutes 'h' hours 'd' days Although portable POSIX scripts must give 'sleep' a single non-negative integer argument without a suffix, GNU 'sleep' also accepts two or more arguments, unit suffixes, and floating-point numbers in either the current or the C locale. *Note Floating point::. For instance, the following could be used to 'sleep' for 1 second, 234 milli-, 567 micro- and 890 nanoseconds: sleep 1234e-3 567.89e-6 The only options are '--help' and '--version'. *Note Common options::. Due to shell aliases and built-in 'sleep' functions, using an unadorned 'sleep' interactively or in a script may get you different functionality than that described here. Invoke it via 'env' (i.e., 'env sleep ...') to avoid interference from the shell. An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value indicates failure.
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