File:, Node: shuf invocation, Next: uniq invocation, Prev: sort invocation, Up: Operating on sorted files 7.2 'shuf': Shuffling text ========================== 'shuf' shuffles its input by outputting a random permutation of its input lines. Each output permutation is equally likely. Synopses: shuf [OPTION]... [FILE] shuf -e [OPTION]... [ARG]... shuf -i LO-HI [OPTION]... 'shuf' has three modes of operation that affect where it obtains its input lines. By default, it reads lines from standard input. The following options change the operation mode: '-e' '--echo' Treat each command-line operand as an input line. '-i LO-HI' '--input-range=LO-HI' Act as if input came from a file containing the range of unsigned decimal integers LO...HI, one per line. 'shuf''s other options can affect its behavior in all operation modes: '-n COUNT' '--head-count=COUNT' Output at most COUNT lines. By default, all input lines are output. '-o OUTPUT-FILE' '--output=OUTPUT-FILE' Write output to OUTPUT-FILE instead of standard output. 'shuf' reads all input before opening OUTPUT-FILE, so you can safely shuffle a file in place by using commands like 'shuf -o F <F' and 'cat F | shuf -o F'. '--random-source=FILE' Use FILE as a source of random data used to determine which permutation to generate. *Note Random sources::. '-r' '--repeat' Repeat output values, that is, select with replacement. With this option the output is not a permutation of the input; instead, each output line is randomly chosen from all the inputs. This option is typically combined with '--head-count'; if '--head-count' is not given, 'shuf' repeats indefinitely. '-z' '--zero-terminated' Delimit items with a zero byte rather than a newline (ASCII LF). I.e., treat input as items separated by ASCII NUL and terminate output items with ASCII NUL. This option can be useful in conjunction with 'perl -0' or 'find -print0' and 'xargs -0' which do the same in order to reliably handle arbitrary file names (even those containing blanks or other special characters). For example: shuf <<EOF A man, a plan, a canal: Panama! EOF might produce the output Panama! A man, a canal: a plan, Similarly, the command: shuf -e clubs hearts diamonds spades might output: clubs diamonds spades hearts and the command 'shuf -i 1-4' might output: 4 2 1 3 The above examples all have four input lines, so 'shuf' might produce any of the twenty-four possible permutations of the input. In general, if there are N input lines, there are N! (i.e., N factorial, or N * (N - 1) * ... * 1) possible output permutations. To output 50 random numbers each in the range 0 through 9, use: shuf -r -n 50 -i 0-9 To simulate 100 coin flips, use: shuf -r -n 100 -e Head Tail An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value indicates failure.
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