File:, Node: join invocation, Prev: paste invocation, Up: Operating on fields 8.3 'join': Join lines on a common field ======================================== 'join' writes to standard output a line for each pair of input lines that have identical join fields. Synopsis: join [OPTION]... FILE1 FILE2 Either FILE1 or FILE2 (but not both) can be '-', meaning standard input. FILE1 and FILE2 should be sorted on the join fields. $ cat file1 a 1 b 2 e 5 $ cat file2 a X e Y f Z $ join file1 file2 a 1 X e 5 Y 'join''s default behavior (when no options are given): * the join field is the first field in each line; * fields in the input are separated by one or more blanks, with leading blanks on the line ignored; * fields in the output are separated by a space; * each output line consists of the join field, the remaining fields from FILE1, then the remaining fields from FILE2. * Menu: * General options in join:: Options which affect general program behavior. * Sorting files for join:: Using 'sort' before 'join'. * Working with fields:: Joining on different fields. * Paired and unpaired lines:: Controlling 'join''s field matching. * Header lines:: Working with header lines in files. * Set operations:: Union, Intersection and Difference of files. File:, Node: General options in join, Next: Sorting files for join, Up: join invocation 8.3.1 General options --------------------- The program accepts the following options. Also see *note Common options::. '-a FILE-NUMBER' Print a line for each unpairable line in file FILE-NUMBER (either '1' or '2'), in addition to the normal output. '--check-order' Fail with an error message if either input file is wrongly ordered. '--nocheck-order' Do not check that both input files are in sorted order. This is the default. '-e STRING' Replace those output fields that are missing in the input with STRING. I.e., missing fields specified with the '-12jo' options. '--header' Treat the first line of each input file as a header line. The header lines will be joined and printed as the first output line. If '-o' is used to specify output format, the header line will be printed according to the specified format. The header lines will not be checked for ordering even if '--check-order' is specified. Also if the header lines from each file do not match, the heading fields from the first file will be used. '-i' '--ignore-case' Ignore differences in case when comparing keys. With this option, the lines of the input files must be ordered in the same way. Use 'sort -f' to produce this ordering. '-1 FIELD' Join on field FIELD (a positive integer) of file 1. '-2 FIELD' Join on field FIELD (a positive integer) of file 2. '-j FIELD' Equivalent to '-1 FIELD -2 FIELD'. '-o FIELD-LIST' '-o auto' If the keyword 'auto' is specified, infer the output format from the first line in each file. This is the same as the default output format but also ensures the same number of fields are output for each line. Missing fields are replaced with the '-e' option and extra fields are discarded. Otherwise, construct each output line according to the format in FIELD-LIST. Each element in FIELD-LIST is either the single character '0' or has the form M.N where the file number, M, is '1' or '2' and N is a positive field number. A field specification of '0' denotes the join field. In most cases, the functionality of the '0' field spec may be reproduced using the explicit M.N that corresponds to the join field. However, when printing unpairable lines (using either of the '-a' or '-v' options), there is no way to specify the join field using M.N in FIELD-LIST if there are unpairable lines in both files. To give 'join' that functionality, POSIX invented the '0' field specification notation. The elements in FIELD-LIST are separated by commas or blanks. Blank separators typically need to be quoted for the shell. For example, the commands 'join -o 1.2,2.2' and 'join -o '1.2 2.2'' are equivalent. All output lines--including those printed because of any -a or -v option--are subject to the specified FIELD-LIST. '-t CHAR' Use character CHAR as the input and output field separator. Treat as significant each occurrence of CHAR in the input file. Use 'sort -t CHAR', without the '-b' option of 'sort', to produce this ordering. If 'join -t ''' is specified, the whole line is considered, matching the default operation of sort. If '-t '\0'' is specified then the ASCII NUL character is used to delimit the fields. '-v FILE-NUMBER' Print a line for each unpairable line in file FILE-NUMBER (either '1' or '2'), instead of the normal output. '-z' '--zero-terminated' Delimit items with a zero byte rather than a newline (ASCII LF). I.e., treat input as items separated by ASCII NUL and terminate output items with ASCII NUL. This option can be useful in conjunction with 'perl -0' or 'find -print0' and 'xargs -0' which do the same in order to reliably handle arbitrary file names (even those containing blanks or other special characters). Note with '-z' the newline character is treated as a field separator. An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value indicates failure. If the '--check-order' option is given, unsorted inputs will cause a fatal error message. If the option '--nocheck-order' is given, unsorted inputs will never cause an error message. If neither of these options is given, wrongly sorted inputs are diagnosed only if an input file is found to contain unpairable lines, and when both input files are non empty. If an input file is diagnosed as being unsorted, the 'join' command will exit with a nonzero status (and the output should not be used). Forcing 'join' to process wrongly sorted input files containing unpairable lines by specifying '--nocheck-order' is not guaranteed to produce any particular output. The output will probably not correspond with whatever you hoped it would be. File:, Node: Sorting files for join, Next: Working with fields, Prev: General options in join, Up: join invocation 8.3.2 Pre-sorting ----------------- 'join' requires sorted input files. Each input file should be sorted according to the key (=field/column number) used in 'join'. The recommended sorting option is 'sort -k 1b,1' (assuming the desired key is in the first column). Typical usage: $ sort -k 1b,1 file1 > file1.sorted $ sort -k 1b,1 file2 > file2.sorted $ join file1.sorted file2.sorted > file3 Normally, the sort order is that of the collating sequence specified by the 'LC_COLLATE' locale. Unless the '-t' option is given, the sort comparison ignores blanks at the start of the join field, as in 'sort -b'. If the '--ignore-case' option is given, the sort comparison ignores the case of characters in the join field, as in 'sort -f': $ sort -k 1bf,1 file1 > file1.sorted $ sort -k 1bf,1 file2 > file2.sorted $ join --ignore-case file1.sorted file2.sorted > file3 The 'sort' and 'join' commands should use consistent locales and options if the output of 'sort' is fed to 'join'. You can use a command like 'sort -k 1b,1' to sort a file on its default join field, but if you select a non-default locale, join field, separator, or comparison options, then you should do so consistently between 'join' and 'sort'. To avoid any locale-related issues, it is recommended to use the 'C' locale for both commands: $ LC_ALL=C sort -k 1b,1 file1 > file1.sorted $ LC_ALL=C sort -k 1b,1 file2 > file2.sorted $ LC_ALL=C join file1.sorted file2.sorted > file3 File:, Node: Working with fields, Next: Paired and unpaired lines, Prev: Sorting files for join, Up: join invocation 8.3.3 Working with fields ------------------------- Use '-1','-2' to set the key fields for each of the input files. Ensure the preceding 'sort' commands operated on the same fields. The following example joins two files, using the values from seventh field of the first file and the third field of the second file: $ sort -k 7b,7 file1 > file1.sorted $ sort -k 3b,3 file2 > file2.sorted $ join -1 7 -2 3 file1.sorted file2.sorted > file3 If the field number is the same for both files, use '-j': $ sort -k4b,4 file1 > file1.sorted $ sort -k4b,4 file2 > file2.sorted $ join -j4 file1.sorted file2.sorted > file3 Both 'sort' and 'join' operate of whitespace-delimited fields. To specify a different delimiter, use '-t' in _both_: $ sort -t, -k3b,3 file1 > file1.sorted $ sort -t, -k3b,3 file2 > file2.sorted $ join -t, -j3 file1.sorted file2.sorted > file3 To specify a tab (ASCII 0x09) character instead of whitespace, use (1): $ sort -t$'\t' -k3b,3 file1 > file1.sorted $ sort -t$'\t' -k3b,3 file2 > file2.sorted $ join -t$'\t' -j3 file1.sorted file2.sorted > file3 If 'join -t ''' is specified then the whole line is considered which matches the default operation of sort: $ sort file1 > file1.sorted $ sort file2 > file2.sorted $ join -t '' file1.sorted file2.sorted > file3 ---------- Footnotes ---------- (1) the '$'\t'' is supported in most modern shells. For older shells, use a literal tab File:, Node: Paired and unpaired lines, Next: Header lines, Prev: Working with fields, Up: join invocation 8.3.4 Controlling 'join''s field matching ----------------------------------------- In this section the 'sort' commands are omitted for brevity. Sorting the files before joining is still required. 'join''s default behavior is to print only lines common to both input files. Use '-a' and '-v' to print unpairable lines from one or both files. All examples below use the following two (pre-sorted) input files: $ cat file1 $ cat file2 a 1 a A b 2 c C Command Outcome -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ join file1 file2 common lines (_intersection_) a 1 A $ join -a 1 file1 file2 common lines _and_ unpaired lines a 1 A from the first file b 2 $ join -a 2 file1 file2 common lines _and_ unpaired lines a 1 A from the second file c C $ join -a 1 -a 2 file1 file2 all lines (paired and unpaired) a 1 A from both files (_union_). b 2 see note below regarding '-o c C auto'. $ join -v 1 file1 file2 unpaired lines from the first file b 2 (_difference_) $ join -v 2 file1 file2 unpaired lines from the second c C file (_difference_) $ join -v 1 -v 2 file1 file2 unpaired lines from both files, b 2 omitting common lines (_symmetric c C difference_). The '-o auto -e X' options are useful when dealing with unpaired lines. The following example prints all lines (common and unpaired) from both files. Without '-o auto' it is not easy to discern which fields originate from which file: $ join -a 1 -a 2 file1 file2 a 1 A b 2 c C $ join -o auto -e X -a 1 -a 2 file1 file2 a 1 A b 2 X c X C If the input has no unpairable lines, a GNU extension is available; the sort order can be any order that considers two fields to be equal if and only if the sort comparison described above considers them to be equal. For example: $ cat file1 a a1 c c1 b b1 $ cat file2 a a2 c c2 b b2 $ join file1 file2 a a1 a2 c c1 c2 b b1 b2 File:, Node: Header lines, Next: Set operations, Prev: Paired and unpaired lines, Up: join invocation 8.3.5 Header lines ------------------ The '--header' option can be used when the files to join have a header line which is not sorted: $ cat file1 Name Age Alice 25 Charlie 34 $ cat file2 Name Country Alice France Bob Spain $ join --header -o auto -e NA -a1 -a2 file1 file2 Name Age Country Alice 25 France Bob NA Spain Charlie 34 NA To sort a file with a header line, use GNU 'sed -u'. The following example sort the files but keeps the first line of each file in place: $ ( sed -u 1q ; sort -k2b,2 ) < file1 > file1.sorted $ ( sed -u 1q ; sort -k2b,2 ) < file2 > file2.sorted $ join --header -o auto -e NA -a1 -a2 file1.sorted file2.sorted > file3 File:, Node: Set operations, Prev: Header lines, Up: join invocation 8.3.6 Union, Intersection and Difference of files ------------------------------------------------- Combine 'sort', 'uniq' and 'join' to perform the equivalent of set operations on files: Command outcome -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'sort -u file1 file2' Union of unsorted files 'sort file1 file2 | uniq -d' Intersection of unsorted files 'sort file1 file1 file2 | uniq -u' Difference of unsorted files 'sort file1 file2 | uniq -u' Symmetric Difference of unsorted files 'join -t '' -a1 -a2 file1 file2' Union of sorted files 'join -t '' file1 file2' Intersection of sorted files 'join -t '' -v2 file1 file2' Difference of sorted files 'join -t '' -v1 -v2 file1 file2' Symmetric Difference of sorted files All examples above operate on entire lines and not on specific fields: 'sort' without '-k' and 'join -t ''' both consider entire lines as the key.
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